Pine "Coning'
Carmel and myself , Carmel, was an excellent hostess and we all enjoyed many a great BBQat Carmel and Adrian's home. We would always "bring a plate" and whatever we wanted to drink
The group were always looking for any excuse to have a party Adrian, is a Scot with a very heavy accent, this tends to make all the pranks and jokes even funnier.
We always had a story or two to entertain the rest of the group on our return from the forest. This was the "Hyacinth" picnic lunch which is explained further on.Adrian and myself below, after our picnic lunch in the forest. Carmel and Adrian have long since moved back to Victoria to live. Background shows the trailer used to transport collected cones. We also wore very heavy boots as we would have to climb on top of the cones to unload them from the trailer with big rakes and big shovels, when we returned to the depot.
The "Hyacinth) name was given to me by Peter and Albert as pay back for the name I gave them,the gang was only too happy to call me Hyacinth. They were also happy to call Peter "Heckle and Jeckle"
I so named them as they very good friends who used to be great company for each other doing all those "blokey" things like , fishing trips, enjoying" Beer O'clock" as they called it , this was their regular time most days to have a beer just before dinner.
Naturally when Warren visited that scaled everything up a notch or two, there is you would have heard a rumour that Warren in "LOUD".
Peter and Albert were constantly brewing up mischievous pranks to play and the rest of us. Hence the "Heckle and Jeckle". We all always had plenty of good laughs at the trickery they cooked up, probably during "Beer O' Clock". I am supposing everyone out there knows the cartoon with the very mischievous magpies called.... Heckle and Jeckle..
This is just a very small reflection of the comradary and friendships that we enjoyed at Tin Can Bay and of course long after, until the present day for some of us . Sadly some of the friends are no longer with us physically however they will always remain with us in thought.
Hello Hyacinth -Another great post
You folks had fun at Tin Can Bay
all those years ago. I know Peter
enjoyed his time there, at a time
when he needed friends and company.
Well done Margaret, Love, Merle.
Hi Hy, that was a good follow up on your pine coning post, there were certainly some good times back then when the gang were all hale and hearty.
Any old port in a storm rings a bell too!!
Hi Again Margaret ~ We must have both been posting comments at the same time. Thanks for yours anyway. I am so glad that you have lots of support and friends when you need them. You surely deserve them, and I
think the new interest of blogging
must be helping you some.Love, Merle.
HI Margaret (Hyacinth)
Looks like you all had a lot of fun together at Tin Can Bay. enjoying the "Beer O'clock"I heard that said countless times by the boys. Take care keep smiling, Jan
What an amazing time you look like you all had at Tin Can Bay. Looking back at times gone by is always such fun.
Hope you have a great week.
Take care, Meow
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