Hunter Valley and Stradbroke Island
Here are my good friends Ede (Striped shirt) Fred and Faye living it up on Stradbroke Island.
this Island is one of a group of Islands in Moreton Bay. Brisbane is the capitol of Queensland as many of you would know, it is situated on Moreton Bay on the southern side, Brisbane river flows into Moreton Bay. St Helena is another Island of tourist interest as it used to be a Penal settlement There are many old buildings to view there. Peel Island used to be a Leper Colony and is a very popular place for Boaties to visit and camp on. Or simply moor at and enjoy fishing, water sports,swimming or generally lazing about. Lyle and i used to often visit there with the family in our boat when we had one. Like our shelter from the sun?
Most of the Islands are inhabited, Peel and St Helena are not except for park rangers and caretakers, St Helena has guided tours for visitors and is managed by Parks and Wildlife. Stradbroke and several other Islands are for holiday homes, normal suburbia from whence workers commute back and forth to the mainland by vehicular ferry, passenger ferry or water taxies. Lyle used to work on the cats which serviced Moreton bay (engineer).This photo was taken from the walk atop The Gorge the view is magnificent, there are dolphins playing and feeding in the water all the time, large green turtles to be seen and loads of huge stingrays. people fish off the rocks down the sides, there have been several fatalities of fishermen washed off here . No surprise there!
The sea eagles roost and hunt off these rocks as well.
This is the place to view the whale migration north. We were there too late for that. Had a wonderful time anyway.
The path that we walked on around The Gorge was on the side of the rocks that you see in this photo. You can see people there if you look closely, they would have been able to see us on the opposite side where I took this photo from.This was a snap I took from a winery in the Hunter Valley, very popular winery location with many famous vineyards for the benefit of overseas visitors. This was taken from the Wine Cellar and restaurant, How would you like to look at that view all day! I don't know how they can stand it LOL.
This is part only of the vineyard and the irrigation dams. I did take another view that joined up with this one, it was more and more of the same. Yet another shocking view to have to withstand on a daily basis. Some people have it hard don't they?
I have quite a few more photos but will not bore everyone with them all, perhaps will post some of the ferries and the view of Moreton bay from another side. Warning!! Warning !! I now have a digital camera and can take dozens of photos, Just because I can!!!!
The following was sent to me in an email from my daughter in law Vicki. In Honour of Stupid People . . .
Stunning photos and l look forward to more (new camera and all :)- you have no excuse.
lol at the hairdryer etc. silly warnings. Don't these people know that l always iron my clothes when they are on? :)
This was a nice informative post and it did make me smile.
Bests xx
Hi Margaret.. Great snapshots and I agree with you fancy having that
scene to look at all day!!
Stay Well will talk again soon firer fighters are still doing it hard
I can see you are liking your new camera. It is doing well for you.
That view all day? It's the absence of all the crowd that keeps it pretty.
Hi Margaret
Lovely Photo's of your Holidays. well I always use my hair dryer while im asleep LOL.
The Fires still Raging I feel for those firefighter out there in all that heat oboy can only imagine what there going through. Take care,
Hi Margaret, 4 out of 5 of your photos have slides on bottom and side, (very large) that's why they would have taken so long to load, better to resize a bit... but not too small.
They came out beaut on the blog.
I LOVED looking at the pictures!
...and those labels were funny!
Great pics, Margaret...I feel like packing my bags and heading to the coast!
beautiful photos!
those stupid instructions are pretty funny.
Beautiful photos, Margaret.
Hope you are well.
Blogger is being a boogger, hope it lets me post.
Take care, Meow
The photos are fantastic.
It is great to spend time with dear friends in beautiful surroundings.
btw, the product warnings are hilarious. You just have to know that they were placed on the package because somebody did something they shouldn't have or an attorney didn't have anything better to do during a three martini lunch.
Hi Margaret ~ Congratulations on the new digital camera - they are wonderful aren't they? Photos are good - we have a pretty terrific country with lots of variety, so we never get bored. Thanks for your comments about the little angel worry box, days ago, I'm behind. Take care
Love, Merle.
Lovely photos. Would love a nice long walk around The Gorge. The labels are really funny (LOL)
I love the pics, I've just had to turn down the heating cos they made me feel so warm looking at all that blue sky. Bob.
RTD, the public transport system in Denver, start their advice on how to use it with "first, find a station" :-)
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